Mr. Swallows plans to increase productivity at his factory are going along swimmingly. The men on the floor are required to work in the nude, except for their workboots, in an effort to curb clandestine cellphone use during work hours. There are also no breaks allowed; no one is allowed to duck out to hte bathroom in order to cut down on guys sneaking off for a cigarette or a wank.
Tristam, the smug little prick who has been sucking up to Mr. Swallows, is in charge of overseeing the implementation of the new rules. With his clipboard in hand, he stops by Luke’s workstation, where the donkey-dick young stud works away with his drill while his body is sheened with sweat from the stifling conditions in the workshop. Tristam just grins at Luke and leers at his thick cock long enough to make Luke very uncomfortable, then he moves on.
Gary (Leo Bunny) is busy at his post, trying to adapt to working without any protective clothing when he feels the need to have a pee. As he’s trying to slip to the toilet, he’s stopped by Tristam who reminds him that there are no more bathroom breaks allowed. Tristam gets a huge shit-eating grin on his face as he drops an old paint can at Gary’s feet so the sweaty worker can take a piss at his machine. Gary looks embarrassed, but nonetheless lets a hot stream of piss flow into the bucket. He stares daggers at the arrogant Tristam who seems to be in heaven watching all of the fit young men humiliated in this hell-hole of a job site.
The final straw comes in the locker room. As Luke goes to shower at the end of the shift, Tristam is there with a stopwatch, reminding him that even the showers after work are being timed now to conserve water. Even this slap in the face doesn’t elicit more that resignation from Tristam. But when Tristam tries once again to grope his cock, Luke starts fighting back. Alone in the locker room. no one is there to save Tristam, and Luke ties up his wrists with a zip tie. We can guess where this is going. Tristam is going to get a dose of his own medicine. Will Gary get there in time to get in on the fun? Click here to watch this perverted and raunchy workplace CMNM video.