Earnest young David is eager to explore his sexuality — he loves men and fantasizes about being swept up and romanced and loved. But those flowery fantasies aren’t for lads like him. If he’s to find companionship, he won’t be able to find it on his terms. He’ll have to take whatever scrap is offered, and it’s led him into some seedy, dangerous situations.
Today, he accepted an online offer of a hookup from Marc, who suggested they meet in the locker room of a rundown, low rent gym nearby. David knows it’s a risk, but thinks a few minutes of hot ass pounding pleasure will be worth the risk of being exposed as a deviant.
What he doesn’t know is that Marc’s idea of pleasure is exposing David as a desperate, forlorn lad willing to to do anything for any affection. Marc and his pals strip David and lock his clothing in a locker. They take turns spanking his bare ass and then they hold him still and kick him in the balls. David writhes and moans — he fantasizes about being held and cuddled, not beaten and abused!
Finally, his tormentors force him to the floor. The debased young man is ordered to lick and kiss their fancy Italian footwear, and when he’s not groveling up to par, he’s kicked in the balls again and that sends him sprawling. Lying naked on the floor, gasping for air, the bastards step on his dick and grind their heels into his balls. He’s slut shamed and made to spread his asshole wide open for their inspection. David is so wretched…will his fantasies of love and acceptance ever come true? Not if he keeps going to the dingy haunts of these CMNM types. Click here to watch the full ball-busting and gay slut-shaming humiliation video at CMNM.net.